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Saffron Walden Kaizen Aikido Club

We are an inclusive club aimed at welcoming everyone. 


Aikido is a traditional Japanese martial art that focuses on distance, avoidance, and balance. Aikido can be applied in many forms and can be adapted to suit the needs and abilities of the practitioner. It is therefore an ideal in our aim of being fully inclusive. 


Kaizen stands for the philosophy of never ending improvement. This is the idea that we are always learning and always seeking that next step in our development. This philosophy is at the core of our club. We will always endeavour to do and be better. We will try to lead by example with humility and care for each other and the wider community.


Christian Swarbrick is a Marital Artist of 30 years’ experience, He has achieved the grades of 1st Dan Black belt in Tomiki Aikido and 3rd Dan Black belt in Bushido JiuJitsu. Christian has 20 years of teaching experience and has specialised in teaching adults and young people with learning disabilities and/or Autism as well as physical disabilities and acquired brain injuries in the past.


We are a member club of the British Aikido Association and therefore students require an annual membership. This covers student insurance, gradings, and access to national competitions and courses.


Chris runs family classes every Tuesday, 5pm-6pm. These are open to students aged 5+. 


Sessions are £25 per month. This £25 give access to other sessions run by Chris in the area.


Chris can be contacted via mobile on 07795477678 and email via